My father, who was a horse lover all his life, presented me with SAVRAS as a gift for passing my secondary school exams. Savras was almost a pure Arabian horse at the end of his career, patient enough with me but not "too patient", that's what his character was like. We spent much time both at the riding school and riding in the moor with other friends. I did not know back then as I was too young, but the memory of those days will be with me forever. Then, it was time for my beloved horse to retire and... here is ESPADA.

  ESPADA was a marvellous horse to me, I recall waking up in the middle of the night wondering whether he was really mine... But that time did not last long because I married Gianni and had to leave him.

During the following twenty years I thought that my horse time was over for good. I had a family, my dogs and I had started breeding them. I was often away to dog shows where my beloved Spitz were awarded prizes and titles. That seemed much to me. But, when my life hit me leaving on my own... I started to remember those forgotten feelings of freedom, the sensation to be away from the rest of the world.

Maybe only horses could have helped me get back to life. I fell in love with BLACK BEAUTY. When I saw Black Beauty for the first time , as black as ebony, her shining eyes, I asked myself: "will I ever enter her world?" I had nothing to lose so I decided to try. It was a challange... Moments of sheer bliss that I thought I would have never felt again, and the fear not to be at her same level... Unfortunately, it was true! When, with a broken heart, I gave up and parted with her, I said to myself: "No more horses"...

That is when my dear friend Simonetta asked me to ride GOLIA and I accepted only because I was not willing to have an argument.
Golia, a huge Dutch saurian cross, (almost seven quintals) aroused fear in me if I only looked at him. But... much to my surprise I felt once again those wonderful feelings of freedom that took me into his world....
And Golia, with his loyal eyes, became my horse. I ride in the woods and we spend much time in the box cuddling each other. With Golia I started to love my live, my friends and my animals again... I hope that my lovestory with Golia will be endless...

Horses are wonderful animals, they have great feelings, they give unconditional love, I feel priviledged to have had so many special friends and I thank them from the bottom of my life for all the love and affection they gave, give and will give me.